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Old 11-30-2007, 08:01 AM
Lestat Lestat is offline
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Default Re: Mormons In Group One

Since they baptize long dead Jewish people and others, I would think it implies that they realize that their beliefs are not so self evident that non believer's must be undeserving people with the type of ulterior motives that Not Ready ascribes to unbelievers. (Obviously I am not talking about the exact same type of unbelief or ulterior motives since there are two different religions involved. But you get the idea.)

So voting for Romney isn't as bad as Lestat makes it out to be.

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You need to understand that there is a very real chance that some of these people are actually looking forward to judgement day! Mitt thinks Jesus will be in Missouri soon. Call it what you like... Dellusional or stupid. But the point is, are we really comfortable having someone who is even capable of such ludicrous beliefs at the helm of the most powerful country on earth?!?!

The fact is, there is no way to know what he really does and doesn't think. What we do know is that he is at least a little irrational. But what if he's a lot irrational? For all we know, he may view it as his religious duty to start the process of holocaust. You're a mathemetician... Work it out. What would the odds have to be for someone we know to be at least a little dellusional, to be VERY dellusional before it's better to fill the job with someone we're certain doesn't think Jesus will be in Missouri any time soon.
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