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Old 11-30-2007, 06:41 AM
Al_Capone_Junior Al_Capone_Junior is offline
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Default Re: you are right, it\'s a ridiculous arguement

It's no different here than it would be in a limit game.

Suppose 3-6 limit on the turn. Player bets 6. Next raises all-in to 7. The dollar doesn't count for squat because it's not enough to qualify as a bet. In limit, it must be half or more to qualify at which point it counts as a full bet. "Complete" is just a word, not some all-binding principle that has far reaching effects.

In no limit, most houses will use the full bet rule (as in tda). Thus any portion less than the amount needed to qualify as a full bet doesn't really matter and does not qualify as a "bet on top." It wouldn't make any difference if the 50% rule was used, same principles would apply.

Take the op's example, assume 100% rule: blind 200, raise to 800. Next raise would be minimim 1400. If some goes all-in for 900, that's only 100 on top, not near enough to qualify as a full bet. But if you forced the next min raise to go to 1500, you have essentially qualified that 100 extra as a full bet. You'd have the blind, the first raise, the extra 100, and the reraise all as separate entities. The extra 100 should merely be absorbed by the reraise, not let stand as another bet on top of the blind and the first raise.

"Complete" essentially means the same as "make another full raise on top of the first raise," thus absorbing the trivial extra amout left dangling by the all-in player.

What I find really odd about this whole situation is that I've never seen anyone argue or do it differently than I'm describing. I suppose for the whole devil's advocate thing it's interesting to present a different spin on what was presumed to be the "only" way to do something.

I'm not sure of whether this exact situation is covered in robert's rules. I'm gonna "pull a sklansky" and let others elaborate (i.e. I'm too dang lazy to do it myself. I should kick myself in the nuts for that one, but I'm too lazy for that today either).

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