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Old 11-30-2007, 04:13 AM
DirtyDiggs DirtyDiggs is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
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Default Re: Examples of why your dad is/was awesome


My father was killed by a drunk driver right after I was born, so I'm probably subject to some suspect stories about him, but some great stories that have been verified.

1. My dad was about 14 or 15 and showed up at my uncles place all dirty with ripped clothes. My uncle was 23 at the time, married with a kid on the way. He said to him, "I just got jumped by 3 kids at the gas station that tried to steal my money and I'm pissed." My uncle said, "I would be too." My dad said, " Yea, one of them got away and now the front part of my wallet has a rip in it."

2.) My dad broke his ankle coming down for a rebound during basketball season of his junior year of high school, only didn't know it was broken. He walked around on it for three days, aggravating the injury to the point he had to have pins put in it. His ankle could only move vertically, with no lateral movement. His primary sport was baseball, as a pitcher. He still threw two shut outs his senior year and was able to pitch his way though D II on a scholarship.

And one that I haven't been verified, but my favorite...

My dad took over chief of operations of a nursing home at the age of 25. He apparently kept a stong rapport with the residents. When one, well in to her seventies or early eighties, confessed to him that she had breast cancer and would be on leave for treatment, he told her "I'll miss you and you clevage" with a wink. She died just under a year later; in her will she left her first push up bra to my dad.
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