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Old 11-30-2007, 02:24 AM
zac777 zac777 is offline
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Default Re: Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script

Gregorio, I ran into the same problem.

I'm running XP with the latest version of AHK.

The mysterious MZ[] is the last piece of text that's appended to the autorebuy script that is generated by autoreloader.

it's added in the following line:
str := str . "`n`n" . fns

The part of the script that grabs the functions below the "CHOP" line and stores them in "fns" is apparently not returning what it's intended to.

If the manual reloading (which is great by itself) isn't enough to keep me happy then maybe I'll track down the rest of the issue, but hopefully dave or someone else familiar with the script will have an idea.

If you just want to run the "F1" part and get rid of the error message, change "SetTimer, UpdateTables, 1000" to ";SetTimer, UpdateTables, 1000".
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