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Old 11-30-2007, 02:20 AM
scorcher863 scorcher863 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 91
Default Re: If you are feeling bad about yourself, read this

I don't see what is so wrong with being grateful for the opportunities you have been given. I feel very fortunate to be born in America with freedom and opportunity at my grasp. And yes, this appreciation greatly motivates me. Maybe I'm strange, but it would seem if i felt otherwise, I would be taking my life for granted. Also, there is nothing honorable about not having compassion for those less fortunate than you.

suggestions for OP:
-get up and eat a good breakfast-some eggs, oatmeal, and some kind of fruit. There's something about eating healthy that makes you feel good about yourself.
- wait about 15 minutes for the food to digest. Then, take a 15-20 minute walk. This exercise should get your blood pumping and help you feel better about yourself(I think exercise releases endorphins or something.)
- While walking, make sure to look around and try to enjoy the scenery-trees, houses, any animals you can find. The point of this is to take the focus off of yourself and all your faults (everybody has them). After you've cleared your mind, you should be ready to do some homework.
- Tear through some homework and study study study. I suggested you do this in the morning because you say you get tired when you go to study. Also, after eating well and taking a walk, you should have no problem staying awake.

It seems as if you might have dug too deep of a hole in statistics and you might have to abandon ship. THAT IS OK. Everyone needs to make mistakes, that is how we learn. I suggest focusing on your other classes that you can salvage a decent grade with.

Also, forget about failing statistics and not being able to transfer to a university. Forget about being 24 and behind the eight ball. Focus on the here and now-you and the classes you will salvage. If you focus on these negative things, you will not be able to perform to your full potential.

I can tell from the way you write and your superman analogy LOL that you are no idiot. You are totally capable of passing all your classes with at least B's. Just believe in your ability to accomplish things.

"Whether you believe you can or cannot, you are right."

"You cannot change your past, but the way to changing your future is acting in the present."
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