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Old 11-29-2007, 11:51 PM
FTPSean FTPSean is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 86
Default Re: Petition for attention of FTP

Full Tilt has listened to this and the originating thread, and we take these concerns very seriously. We care about our players and strive to provide the best possible environment for playing poker, in every respect.

In regard to the first point, on receiving a "fair hearing":

Although this is not a court of law, we've gone to extraordinary lengths to give the players in question every possible benefit of the doubt.

This particular case was first reviewed in the normal manner, then examined in more detail using new information, and then taken to higher levels of management for further review. The players were given ample opportunity to argue their side of the story, and did so, at length. In this particular instance, an expert consultant was hired and reviewed all aspects of the case, even though the evidence of wrong-doing was very strong. The resolution of the case took longer than normal as a result, but having several independent views ensures that a fair and unbiased conclusion is reached.

In regard to receiving an immediate email when an account is suspended:

We agree.

Full Tilt acknowledges that this aspect of conducting investigations should be handled quickly, to prevent unnecessary concern on the part of the player. We admit that there have been some slips in the execution of our normal practices. We have addressed the problem, and our procedures have been altered to make it less likely to happen again in the future. In addition, we will never ignore player inquiries to the status of their investigation. While there may not be new updates, we will always respond to acknowledge a player’s email.

In regard to investigations being conducted within a "realistic timescale":

Unfortunately, this desire is not always consistent with having a complete investigation that respects the player's right to a fair conclusion.

This was a complicated, precedent-setting case, and therefore there was a pressing need for due diligence. Would you rather have an outcome that is very fast, or very fair? It isn't always possible to have both. It would be easy to resolve cases very quickly if we didn't care deeply about our player's best interests. But we do care. Seizing a person's bankroll (regardless of the amount) is taken very seriously, and investigations will take as long as necessary for us to be comfortable with making that decision.

Full Tilt Poker would like to thank the readership of 2+2 for voicing their concerns. Rest assured that your voices have been heard, and actions have been taken to improve our procedures in the future. We listen closely to our player's concerns, and we learn from our mistakes, because we are committed to constantly improving every facet of the FTP experience. We appreciate all feedback, including constructive criticism.

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