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Old 11-29-2007, 10:56 PM
Albert Moulton Albert Moulton is offline
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Default Re: Philosophy of Xmas

so why do we celebrate it every freakin year.

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Because you live in a country that is historically christian, has deep christian traditions embedded in our language and culture, and as a part of that language and culture you would have to go out of your way to avoid the influence. But even the christian traditions aren't entirely christian. Most of the christmas practices are coopted from pagan traditions, like the tree and the time of year near the winter solistice.

One way to avoid it would be to practice a different religion. But even then you end up with "Bless you," when you sneeze. "In God We Trust" on the money. "OMG" in the chat box. The easter bunny. St Valentine's day. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God." "One nation under God..." A cross on Mount Soledad in San Diego (although an aetheist has been trying to get it down for decades in the courts). The Charlie Brown Christmas special. Halloween (another pagan tradition blended into "all hallows eave" prior to All Saints Day). A sea of white crosses (and a few other symbols) at Arlington National Cemetery. Etc...

And Christmas.

So, Merry Christmas. Just enjoy it.
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