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Old 11-29-2007, 10:22 PM
willie24 willie24 is offline
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Default Re: Can you believe in certain things without being religious?

for a person to qualify as "reincarnated," must he have memory of prior lives? if so, then what we know about the body/brain would seem to be inconsistent with the idea.

however, if no memory of past life (or premonition of future life) is required, then "reincarnation?" becomes philosophical rather than factual.

"what is the nature of conciousness?" is a question that no one here can put to rest. neither can anyone tell you (accurately) that your answer is wrong.

science is fallible, because it is based on human perception. it does a tremendous job of describing/explaining the mechanisms that seem to make up the world we percieve, but it does not prove reality (because the perception it is based on could be flawed)- unless it is taken as given that what we percieve IS reality. well, if that is true, then what about when different people percieve different things? can there be different realities?

there are many different logical paths you can consider, as falcanelli posted earlier.
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