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Old 11-29-2007, 09:27 PM
madnak madnak is offline
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Default Re: Is Neo-Atheism The Way to Go? [Poll]

I think this thread is confusing religious belief with religious people. Those arguing for mockery are focussing on the silly beliefs, those arguing for civility are focussing on the people holding them.

I think you should respect me and mock my silly beliefs. (As an aside, I reject the claim that religious belief entails certainty, but concede that most believers say it does. In my opinion, the real problem stems from being sure your mystical beliefs are correct, not from the fact that you have them).

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There's also the hidden issue we've avoided so far. But it has to come up. That's the issue of proselytism.

Are we justified in doing whatever it takes to spread atheism? If so, then aren't the theists equally justified in doing whatever it takes to spread their beliefs? It's not just the specific tactics that matter, but the general approach. Attacking the logic of theistic beliefs is one thing, but getting into more general mockery treads awfully close to hypocrisy.

Most of all, I don't think our hatred of or disdain for religion should override the principle of "live and let live." I think this is really where some atheists go off track.
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