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Old 11-29-2007, 08:40 PM
dagreez dagreez is offline
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Default Re: You wake up and... remember nothing about poker

like lucid implied, what i think you're asking for, in a way, are the important realizations that you (the 2+2er) had along the way of their poker career, and then are hoping to realize these for yourself and shortcut the poker learning curve.

while this may be beneficial in a big-scheme-of-things way, answering your question works to cut corners, bypassing the inherent value of stumbling and realizing things for yourself by trying things out in your own way. what you're asking for is a copy of what the best players do, and then are hoping to recreate yourself in that form instead of building yourself up through the stumbling and learning process called grit. Grace without grit is different than grace through grit and here's why.

If you stumble along whatever path you're on, you will make mistakes that you will learn to correct. Now, as you learn from and pass these mistakes, you will see that others are making the same mistakes that you once made, and will be able to profit because these mistakes were exactly what you once did and thus can easily see them. Now, if you bypass this grit of mistaking and the learning that ensues from that, you will have more of a theoretical knowledge of the game instead of an experiential-based 'feel'. This 'feel', I'll argue, is what you're ultimately after whether you know it or not. It's similar to the difference between a computer playing poker and a human playing. A computer can simulate adjusting to ranges and such but it can't actually feel the subtleties of change in the dynamics of a game. You'd have to write a program for the computer that takes into account how if a player all of sudden starts playing a different style, like because of tilt, then you (computer) has to open up it's range or adjust somehow. stuff like that that is almost impossible to simulate, but a human, who is in tune with their 'feel' can do it quite easily. Subtle elegance, grace through grit. You don't wanna skip any steps IMO.
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