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Old 11-29-2007, 06:54 PM
d2themfi d2themfi is offline
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Default Re: Defining your hand: is it ever a good idea?

cornell fiji- I get what ur saying about when to play exploitably, vs when to try to balance but Im having a hard time with a few things

One thing Im a lil fuzzy on, is that you seem to distinguish between short term and long term EV. Im a lil confused here, isnt EV, just EV, we are always looking at the longterm, and therefore balancing is a primary concern because if we become predictable/exploitable, our EV decreases therefore making the balanced frequencies better anyways.

Idk If i made sense with that question or not, Im having a hard time wrapping my mind around all this. I mean someone was an online hsmtt reg, presumably there are quite a few players that you see everyday twice a day in tourneys like the 100r, where balance has got to become pretty important.

Idk I mean I feel like this should be for a separate thread almost cause were kinda drifting away from the OP

One thing im still confused about is if Op was asking if we are defining our hand vs villains range, or if we are defining our hand in a way that makes what we have transparent. Im beginning to think i misinterpreted the original question and have shot off into a completely different tangent
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