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Old 11-29-2007, 04:45 PM
Legislurker Legislurker is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 728
Default Re: Should the PPA accept membership/backing from bot providers/users?


1) [ QUOTE ]
Openly discussing ideas with people you disagree with, even people you despise, is a hallmark of free speech

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Botting is cheating. Period.

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It's cheating only on some (and that includes the major) poker sites, hence it is normally cheating, but not always cheating. On these and/or other sites, cheating (or action against EULA) are also:
- Playing poker proffesionally (hence not for personal entertainment only)
- Making damaging comments about the site in any media or forum
- Using any automated scripts
- Using ANY software in conjuction with the poker client
and others.

Thank you.

I can understand the motivation of the 2+2 forums in keeping "normallity" behind the discussions, and even being against or punishing not widely accepted, non-neutral point of views, and I restrict myself to comply with that. One can argue that this is needed for the site in order to operate and offer the great value to its community, that it currently offers.

But on the other hand my feeling is that especially this forum (the legislation) should be a place where free speech, POVs, logic, and motivation of opinions, whatever they are, should be much more protected and valued ... if you always live to comply then you guys in the US should not fight the wise decisions of your own government!

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T&Cs are not a good idea of whats cheating and what is not.
Im being very nice, which is rare for me when I tell you you are a sickening excuse of protoplasm that should end up on someone's heel. Bots are always with no exceptions cheating. The idea is REAL poker with REAL people. Woman or Man vs Man or Woman. 99% of people here regard bots as cheating. If you don't accept that, go to or wherever you cheaters hang out.