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Old 11-29-2007, 04:00 PM
DeathDonkey DeathDonkey is offline
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Default Re: 2+2ers hitting up a play money site?

Hi Guy,

I'm not sure what you're involvement with the site is but I have absolutely no affiliation or stake in it, so I'm happy to say is a really neat site in free beta right now that I'm using.

I know how it sounds to say they created a site where you can play with and make a bot, but this isn't like "here's the code to make a bot and put it on pokerstars" its like "here is how you appear to play after X hands at your current style" and they use "Virtual Players" to give that style you create a legit sample size.

Anyway that didn't make a ton of sense but I think this site may help me find leaks in my play I never knew about - my "bot" has already played 20k hands and I can see his PT stats for instance.


ps: Virtual Pokerbob runs good!
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