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Old 11-29-2007, 02:22 PM
damaniac damaniac is offline
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Default Re: Lloyd Carr Retiring

I've heard that Parkinson's story too; hoping it is not the case, obviously. That, btw, was the source of the Miles/Carr feud, if rumors are to be believed: that Miles had told recruits about his condition and that he wouldn't be around much longer, specifically Jai Eugene. Needless to say, Carr was not pleased. That's a bit troubling, but recruiting is a classic "laws and sausage" procedure: you really are best not hearing about the process if you care about the end result. I know we tend to have a large contingent here that seems to think that ethics, morals, and acting like a reasonable human being has no place in any remotely competitive endeavor, meaning that basically anything that isn't outright cheating is perfectly fine. I'm not arguing for the opposite extreme, that no one ever say anything negative about anyone, but there are things you probably shouldn't do, even if not illegal, and this seems perilously close to one of them in my view. It'd be worse if he either just made it up or based it on very sketchy info; at least it may be accurate.
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