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Old 11-29-2007, 01:49 PM
dizzle98 dizzle98 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 33
Default Re: Horrible Time Pot Rule at Commerce

My new question would be this: In order to get your time charge back, do you have to announce you are only playing until the blinds? Assume I have decided to do just that but do not announce it. Time pot is won when I'm UTG...under the current rule would I still be entitled to get my $12 refund? If you don't have to announce it to get the refund what would make anyone announce it? If I care enough to get that $12 I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut till after I've played the hand. Though I admittedly don't know how it works...if you get the refund for leaving period, or only if you've announced that you are playing till your blind.
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