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Old 11-29-2007, 01:46 PM
quirkasaurus quirkasaurus is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 428
Default Re: Examples of why your dad is/was awesome

i'd say the first part of my dad's life was awesome...

he was very understanding, for the most part...
but that all changed once i got married.

apparantly, my mom disapproved so vehemently of the
marriage that she made my dad's life even more of a
living hell than she had previously.

since my dad "had" to live with her, he sided with her,
and the rift remained pretty much in full for the rest of
his life.

he did coach my little league baseball team and spent
a lot of time teaching me the 'over-the-shoulder,
running-towards-the-fence' catch.

that was pretty cool.
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