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Old 11-29-2007, 11:14 AM
KneeCo KneeCo is offline
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Default Re: Jeez.....These Debates Suck

Only skimmed thread, so sorry if this is off.

Re: My Ron Paul comments.

Like I said, I'm happy he's running, mainly because he gets people alienated by their party interested in the process, bring up some good points, is well spoken and (tries to) keep the process about politics/policy.

The fact that I can say that much about a gun loving, woman hating (aka pro-life) candidate speaks highly of him.

I do stand by my comment that his current popularity (compared to his limited profile, non-existent really, on the same platform over the course of the last couple of decades) is happening because of the cynicism fostered by the incompetence of the Bush administration.

I don't think he's going to get the nomination, I do think his popularity is in large part an illusion created by the fervor of his internet following (and good for them for creating this ground swell, but when the votes actually count, they'll only get one each like everybody else).

I do stand by my comment that his policies, foreign especially but also domestic, are unfeasible and his foreign policy makes a mockery of the advances of the 20th century and, again, its acceptance is a reaction to recent history, to the incompetance of the US gov't in the 21st century. I think pulling out of the UN and being isolationist and solely self-interested to the point of absurdity may be better than the Bush foreign policy, but it isn't the best foreign policy the US can take into the future, not even close.

Finally, I think that if he did get the White House he would undertake to dismantle all these programs and foreign ties and immediately find out that the President isn't all powerful, and he wont be able to. So what happens next? he has to preside over them for 4 years, and you've elected someone to run the system who doesn't believe in it.

To the person who asked earlier, yes I am Canadian, I don't know if that disqualifies me from being able to speak on the matter.
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