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Old 11-29-2007, 10:52 AM
sharkbitten sharkbitten is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Denver, CO
Posts: 59
Default Re: For fathers: remember when you first became a daddy?

I have 2 kids- a girl who is 6 going on 16 and a boy who is 5.

We were lucky in a way. We didn't have to go through labor. Both kids were pre-planned C-Sections due to a fibroid that my wife had removed from the wall of her uterus a year or so before she got pregnant. The wall of her uterus may have ruptured if she went through labor, so the doctor wanted to do a C-section, which was fine with my wife. She wasn't real big on experiencing labor.

So we knew the day it was happening on for both kids a month or so in advance, so there was no surprise there. The only surprise we wanted was the sex of the baby.
The only problem my wife had was during the first one, there was a lot of bleeding from the uterus that he had a hard time controlling. He probably would have had to remove her uterus if he couldn't get it under control. Thankfully he was able to. I had no idea this was going on. I was over at the table with my new daughter in complete amazement over what we just brought into this goofy world.

When my son was born 16 months later, the doctor was prepared for the bleeding. He had blood standing by this time, but this timne the bleeding wasn't bad.

My wife couldn't see my daughter come out of her. They held her up, but not high enough. she was able to see my son come out. It was quite a thrill for her. I was able to see both kids come out, and I still get choked up when I think about it.

My wife liked to say we had Hollywood babies-their heads weren't all smooshed from being squeezed through the birth canal.

Both those days have to be the happiest days of my life. All the mystery of figuring out how to take care of something so little, even though they are made of rubber, just lay there, eating, sleeping, and pooping.

When we were trying to figure out names for our second kid, if it was a boy it was going to be between Anthony Michael and Aaron Michael. My wife called me at work and told me that the C-section date was gong to be August 16, 2001 and that happened to be the date that Elvis Presley died in 1977. I said that Elvis' full name was Aaron Elvis Presley(or Elvis Aaron, I can't remember which). I told her that's a sign that we should pick Aaron if it is a boy. And no we are not Elvis fans.

My mom was very happy when my son was born. He was the first grandson. My brother and sister both had girls, so everyone was very happy to see it was a boy.
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