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Old 11-29-2007, 10:15 AM
Felix_Nietzsche Felix_Nietzsche is offline
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Default Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs

How did we go from deportation to genocide?

You are are not articulate so you use the dishonest debate tactic called the "straw man" argument. You ignore my points, misrepresent my position, then attack that fictional position.

The only corrupt mind I see is yours.
You fear to address my arguments head on and in a honest manner. If you want to be more articulate, then educate yourself by reading. History books are an excellent source to see what policies succeed and which policies fail. Machiavelli wrote an excellent book on what policies are proven successful by history and which policies have proven to be failures.... The book is called "The Prince". Put down your Harry Potter books and read a REAL book a month for the next two years and then come and debate me...

Your feelings are not facts. Your feelings are unpersuasive. A two year old child is full of feelings but we don't base our national policy on that child's matter how 'true' those feelings may feel to that child.
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