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Old 11-29-2007, 10:08 AM
Ineedaride2 Ineedaride2 is offline
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Default Re: ***Official*** CNN/YouTube GOP debate

I'll get flamed for this, but I think Paul COULD be the exception.

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Lol. This forum is a Ron Paul love-fest, stating that you think Ron Paul could have a shot against Hillary or any other Democrat is the last thing that will get you flamed.

But I think its hard to say how the election will play out when the parties have chosen their candidate and all get behind him. How the Democrats choose to attack the candidate and whatever negative they have on him is difficult to tell so soon, and I think its really hard to tell how it will play out when its down to 1 Republican vs. 1 Democrat. Right now Hillary is a clear favorite imo, but I dont think it will be impossible for a Republican candidate to win, but it sure wont be easy.

A Paul vs. Hillary race would definatly be fun, as they are quite different and the debates would be far better than ever before.

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I listened to Hannity's show a bit on my way home from work yesterday out of morbid curiosity, and a caller said (paraphrased), "I listen to Romney, Giuliani, McCain and Thompson, and as a republican I don't believe that any of these guys have what it takes to make a good showing against the democrats. Yet, we have one guy running who is quickly becoming a rock star (he mentioned no names), and you (Hannity) won't give him the time of day. Neither does the Main stream press or most conservative groups. When are you guys going to admit that this guy's got the momentum, and might be our best bet?"

And to my astonishment, Hannity did not go off on this caller. He said (paraphrased), "Ok, look. There's still a good bit of time until the primaries, and we don't know what's going to happen. We'll wait and see how things go in New Hampshire and other states and who knows..."

I couldn't believe my ears. Not that Hannity specifically gave him credit....hell, I don't think he even named names. But to even acknowledge that 'anything could happen' within the next couple of months, and to allude to the fact that Paul might actually climb to the top and get some media backing (however unlikely this might be) was surprising to me.

It was the very first time I've heard something besides disdain when the subject of Ron Paul came up on his show.
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