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Old 11-29-2007, 08:40 AM
Bedreviter Bedreviter is offline
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Default Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***

Its a catchy lead-in. Whats more likely to attract viewers: "Stay tuned as we get Ron Paul on the show to talk about his successful money-raising campaign", or "Stay tuned and see what Republican candidate is supported by the Bunny Ranch" ?

I honestly dont find it absurd. Its certainly different, but its often more interresting to hear why the candidate think he gets support from the owner of the Bunny Ranch than why he think he gets support from the average mayor of some random city.

It shows that Ron Paul is finding support in unlikely places, and even though that owner probably has a negative stigma abot him does not mean that it should be off limits to talk about him.

That people get angry whenever Ron Paul are asked questions like this that might catch him off guard, but goes "hell yeah, thats awesome" whenever it happens to any other candidate is one of the things that bothers me about some of the Ron Paul supporters.
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