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Old 11-29-2007, 02:28 AM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: The rise of the fundamentalist right in America

By the way, I was choking up reading the rest of your post. It is not easy growing up and living in a culture in which simply being of a different mind, no matter how tolerant, kind, open, accepting and benevolent, is reviled, and America is definitely that kind of place and rushing ardently to be more so. I had a lot of hard times as a kid and have often felt excluded since. Thanks for manifesting the true spirit of a Christian. I wish more Christians would understand the spirit behind the words of a great religion rather than use those words so callously and brutally as weapons and excuses. I have tremendous respect for true Christians, but they are so incredibly hard to find. A real Christian is an athlete of the soul who I would find it very hard not to admire. It would be wonderful and one of my greatest wishes of all to find more people to admire.
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