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Old 11-29-2007, 01:35 AM
whiskeytown whiskeytown is offline
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Default Re: The rise of the fundamentalist right in America

here is an article on Christian Fundamentalism in the military

and Blackwater is a paramilitary organization run by a secretive (or rather out of the spotlight, until recently) right wing fundamentalist named Erik Prince.

I would also point out there is a misnomer in the article in that I differentiate between Fundamentalism and Evangelical Christianity - Dominionism is a strain, which suggests Christians have the right and obligation to take over Civic and Governmental institutions and rewrite the laws to fit the Biblical Code.

I've been studying a bit recently on Dietrich Bonhoffer and the confessing church - (background - DB was a pastor who was an active member of the resistance of the Nazi Regime in WWII) - and many of the members that resisted the Nazi party did so under the belief that devotion to Christ superceeded devotion to one's citizenship or Military service. One can't read the Sermon on the Mount and take Jesus to heart and then go out and kill his fellow man.

On the other hand, a great many established churches stated Romans 13 should imply military service if called upon, but I doubt in retrospect they could argue God's will was done by serving the Nazi Party - but Hitler often invoked the almighty in his speeches and led many of them to believe he was also a good Christian.

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