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Old 11-28-2007, 11:10 PM
Mook Mook is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 76
Default Re: Career Question- State School vs. Big Private

5 years down the road nobody will care what my GPA is or what school I graduated from.

[/ QUOTE ]
FYP ...

I was one of four people from my high school class to get a degree in chemical engineering.

I attended a large (albeit somewhat selective) state university. The other three got their degrees from, respectively, Penn, MIT, and (coincidentally) Cornell.

We caught up at our 5-year HS reunion and I discovered that not only did I attend the least prestigious school, I finished with the lowest GPA of the four of us.

Our 15-year reunion was a few weeks ago, and I discovered that of the three ChE grads in attendance, I make the highest salary, and it's not close.

I agree with whomever mentioned that most recruiters for first jobs won't give you much of a look unless you can manage a 3.0 GPA (in fact, of those in my graduating class below that number, a distressingly large percentage wound up latching on to government jobs). But ... assuming you've put in 3-4 good years at that first job and have some sort of aptitude for the field, neither any future employer nor anyone else will give a second's thought either to where you went to school or whether you earned a 3.0 or a 4.0. Trust me on this one.

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