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Old 11-28-2007, 10:55 PM
Somekid Somekid is offline
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Default Re: ***** November LC Thread *****

After losing 5 in a row, I'm feeling pretty disgusted with myself. 5 losses isn't terrible, but it involved a good deal of bad play (not tilt, so there's no excuse). So I decide to self-medicate. I plan to play just one more SNG and focus really hard. That way, win or lose, it will be a decent end to the evening.

I fire up the SNG and I'm playing pretty well, and my opponent is down to 150 chips (at 15/30). My opponent shoves and I call with A3o. My opponent's cards are revealed: A7o. Well, I'm probably not going to knock him out this hand, but he'll still be at 300 chips and I should be able to finish the game in short order.

With both hands exposed, and all the chips in the middle (but no flop!), my computer freezes. I couldn't believe it. If I hadn't been clinging to the hope that it would fix itself, I would've thrown my keyboard. I keep my computer on, hoping it will recover (it wasn't immediately clear that it was completely frozen) and I can finish the SNG. Finally after 2-3 minutes, I give up and have to reboot.

So, I'm praying I outdrew my opponent as my computer boots up. Finally I get back onto pokerstars and the blind level is 50/100 and my opponent has been raising his way from 300 to 1600 chips. F%&#. He then proceeds to completely steamroll me as I become utterly card-dead.

An end to a wonderful day of poker.
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