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Old 11-28-2007, 09:59 PM
Al_Capone_Junior Al_Capone_Junior is offline
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Default Re: Poker is a necessary annoyance for casino executives.

On the rare occasion I do play blackjack in this town, it is always downtown at the plaza or four queens. I was born during the day, but not yesterday.

And I don't begrudge businesses making a profit, not at all. I do begrudge businesses who screw both their customers and employees alike, motivated only by profits. These companies have forgotten that you can shear a sheep many times, but skin them only once.

There are businesses that both provide a product or service at a fair price, and make a very nice profit at the same time. Sometimes they even treat their employees very well. I do preferentially patronize these places whenever I can. The lucky lady in san diego is just such a place, which is why I played about 95% of my san diego poker there. Stan, kudos to you for running a great room and taking care of your customers.

Those days may be numbered, but that doesn't make it right. I'm sure walmart and harrahs would prefer that stan die in a gutter, but they're probably trying to figure out how to get a buck out of his dead carcus.

Corporate america is scum, plain and simple. The mega resorts could do much better in the long run by taking care of people now, even if that means slightly less profits today. They won't go broke, nor will their stockholders fail to collect their dividends. But for the most part, it seems they were born at night, last night.

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