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Old 11-28-2007, 09:51 PM
daveT daveT is offline
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Default Re: The rise of the fundamentalist right in America

The Christian Coalition is a major donator to the Republican Party. So much for separation of Church and State.

If the papers are making it sound like we are under the iron fist of The Christians, I will say it is an exaggeration. Broadcast television looks like cable 15 years ago. The country is becoming more liberal over the years, and there is little that can be done to oppress the mindset.

No doubt that Christian Organizations are putting out scare commercials, but they are often looked at sideways. There was a public service announcement talking about how girls should abstain from sex because they were more likely to commit suicide.

I think that the Fundamentalists, in the view of most Americans, are not respected. They created the Creationism Museum, which is frowned upon and picked on.

They tried to get prayer in school, but the atheists won in California by declaring the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional for the line "One nation, under God."

The only thing that they can do is use shock statistics to try to move people. They managed to gain more funding for "sex education" which is really abstinence education.

The over all case for America turning to some sort of Taliban is flimsy at best. No matter if there are or are not laws, the laws must reflect the general opinion.

The biggest concern for me is the so-called War on Drugs. I don't blame Religion solely for this, but I am sure it is no small contributor to the fear tactics used to support it, although I believe most Americans are against it.

As for poker: There are people who approve and those that don't Casinos and Card Rooms are popping up at record speeds all across America. Gambling is not as frowned upon as it was even 20 years ago. It is starting to be viewed as an outlet, healthy as long as people have control.

A friend recently moved to New York and asked me, "Do American's do nothing but work?" She was complaining because she had to work a 50 hour week, "only" got 2 weeks of vacation and sick time. I don't believe that the Americans will fall under another country for a while. We have ingenuity, a well-educated work force and a maleable language. It will take China decades before it can be seen as a world power. Simply put, China and Russia are too poor, the people are to oppressed, and the money and resources are not used properly to change their countries enough to become a world leader.
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