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Old 11-28-2007, 08:36 PM
Runkmud Runkmud is offline
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Default Re: Man kills 2 People While 911 Is Telling Him Not To

I'm a gun rights proponent and I have a concealed weapons permit, that said, this guy talked himself into what he thought was justifiable homicide. If evidence is presented that the men were armed, or attempted to attack the shooter, then and only then will I change my view.

I'm saddened that this man was doing what he thought was the honorable thing and misunderstood his rights within the law. We tend to think of our neighborhoods as part of our home, but the law states differently.

When he exited the house and gave what was an insufficient amount of reaction time to presumably unarmed men, and then shot them, if this is indeed the way it happened, he commited murder.