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Old 11-28-2007, 07:19 PM
Goater Goater is offline
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Default Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs

yes i've seen all of this. jewish children are subject to a lot of this non sense too. if israel gave back the territories jewish terrorist could become a problem, for example, because many are as fanatically indoctrinated. most of jewish fanatics do their bidding through the military though while the other side does this through less formal organizations. if they lost military support i think youd see some serious jewish resistance groups.

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This is the sort of rubbish I hear all the time. How do you know this exactly? Please provide evidence/links to the same sort of stuff Palestinian children are fed on a daily basis. The media, human rights organisations, the UN all constantly reinforce this equivalence idea in every aspect of the conflict. "Cycle of violence", "extremists on both sides", etc... people blindly accept it as gospel.

The brainwashing of children and the glorification of brutality, death and murder is possibly the biggest problem of all. Hamas uses a mickey mouse character telling children that Jews are the sons of pigs and apes and telling them that the highest calling is to die attacking them. The word "Israel" does not appear on any Palestinian maps. They are taught that Jews are evil and the cause of every upheaval in the world including, explicitly "the french revolution and the communist revolution". They name streets and football teams after suicide bombers. They "report" that Israel organises orgies in muslim holy places, that the IDF drops poisoned sweets for Palestinian children, that Israel infected 300 Palestinian children with HIV, that the IDF x-rayed a Palestinian woman to death at a checkpoint, that Shamir (ex-Israeli Prime Minister) had the skull of a Palestinian fetus that was cut out of a Palestinian woman on his desk as an ashtray! Need I go on? This is yet another example of how the Palestian people are victims themselves - the world refuses to believe this and what Israel faces.

The Israeli education system, like the majority of the media, is left wing. Yuli Tamir, the education minister in the Israeli government, recently approved a textbook for Israeli arab children that referred to the establishment of the State of Israel as the "nakba" (the catastrophe), the arabic term that is used to refer to the establishment of the state. Shulamit Aloni, an ex education minister (and far left activist) has stated that she believes Israel practices apartheid against the Palestinians. Israeli children receive an Israeli left wing education which is very sympathetic to the palestinian cause.

If you want links to the above I will be happy to find them for you tomorrow. Please provide links to what you believe is taught to Israeli children or stop spouting this sort of rubbish.
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