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Old 11-28-2007, 06:31 PM
ivenhoe ivenhoe is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 49
Default Re: 50NL Interesting hand w/ set of fours

It was so clear to me that one of them had 78. Unfortunately had small sample of hands but look at their AF.
And in the best case it`s only breakeven shove.
First time I can`t aggree with comments.

BB had 78o
BTN had 78o

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you kidding? You were 100% sure they hat 87? No way, you need to put them on a range and go from there. Even against passive calling stations, you have good equity here, because they could be raising their 2P.

Okay, let's say you know 100% they have 87 and they won't be folding. Here's your equity:

Board: 4d 9c 6d Ts

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 23.810% 23.81% 00.00% 840 0.00 { 4c4s }
Hand 1: 38.095% 00.00% 38.10% 0 1344.00 { 87o }
Hand 2: 38.095% 00.00% 38.10% 0 1344.00 { 87o }

Assuming BB won't fold (which he won't w/o the nuts), you are getting almost 3-1 on a shove here, so it's breakeven AT WORST. Remember we are assuming you are up against the nuts...

[/ QUOTE ]

OK, let`s take another range of hands assuming I`m sure one of them had 78o and another one had pretty wide range including overpair, top pair+FD, two pair, set, straight:

Board: 4d 9c 6d Ts
Hand 0 4c4s 16.837%
Hand 1 8h7d 64.796%
Hand 2 QQ,66,AdTd,T9s,87s,T9o,87o 18.367%

Do you see the diffrence?
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