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Old 11-28-2007, 06:20 PM
DJSHAD0W DJSHAD0W is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 266
Default Re: M2TR shortstacker illuminati thread

MT2R, I am glad you returned to "your thread" - thought you might have been intimidated to not give out any more info when u stopped posting in this thread.

I have a few questions for you as well:

.) Started datamining on FTP some and there seem to be 3 regs at the highest levels: kinetica, gamblegambel and 40putts. Whats your opinion of kinetika and gamblegambel? Did you notice differences in their games?

.) Is it pretty standard for a Shortstacker to stack off with 1010 in raised pot on Q84r flop (1 overcard non coordinated flops) vs 24/20 type guys?
(say SS open raises from CO, BB calls)

.) I have noticed some of the 3 shortstackers mentioned check fold some flops. Are these just the pure blind steals with ATC or is there spots where the SS would c/f AK, AQ?
(The flops were not too coordinated IIRC)

.) This may not apply to the levels you play, but how do you handle AK, AQ in the blinds after 3 guys limped? (do you raise to 5-7BB trying to get HU and then push the flop? Do you push right away? Smaller Raise or vary the play?

.) Does the resteal lesson just apply to being in the BB and to a lesser extent the SB? (or do you use it on the button as well considering the blinds are yet to act behind you)...

Again thanks for all the information you have already shared, and hopefully we can keep this thread going.
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