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Old 11-28-2007, 05:09 PM
kurto kurto is offline
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Default Re: family issue, and personal philosophy

but you're still missing why its not that interesting... that is, since the Bible has hundreds (or is it thousands) of versions, it has had books and verses added and taken away throughout time, it has different translations, etc. The fact that one particular verse is in the middle doesn't mean much because there are a multitude of versions which would have different verses in the center.

You can't put significance on that verse because its in the center of ONE version of the Bible when a different verse would be the middle verse in different versions.

On a related note- I feel pretty confident that there are 100s if not thousands of lines in that Bible that, were they the middle verse, you would find it significant. Which shows the more relevent information is your readiness to find significance and meaning in rathar unextraordinary things.

If one looked at a composite of your posts, one might easily conclude that you find interesting ANYTHING you read that you can interpret to reinforce your beliefs. It is also clear that you don't really analyze whether what you're posting is significant or logical... you just get excited by the idea that it may possibly support your beliefs. But you really give no critical analysis to anything you read so long as it suggests something Holy.

Can you see this?
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