Thread: Car buying tips
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Old 11-28-2007, 03:39 PM
KilgoreTrout KilgoreTrout is offline
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Default Re: Car buying tips

What RR said.

The trick is to play one dealer off another. Shop around. Know what you want to spend (based on the CR research) and be willing to walk away if they won't meet or come close enough to your price. Be pleasant but assertive. Simply state that you have your research and this is where you'd like to begin negotiations.

I've had good success with this method. I've had dealers call me crazy, complain that I was eating into their holdback, telling me that the numbers were wrong. I walked away from those places and dealt with the ones that treated me like a normal person doing business.

Also, negotiate the sale price of the vehicle you're interested in first. Then decide on financing/lease, trade in, and any dealer-installed extras. Get the whole deal written up. If the finance guy tries to sell you rustproofing, extended warranties, or advertising, documentation, or other fees, say no and be prepared to walk away unless they agree to eat those fees. It works.
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