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Old 11-28-2007, 03:25 PM
Case Closed Case Closed is offline
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Default Re: Electron microscope analysis of steel spheres from WTC site

If I'm not mistaken, this hadn't happened on such a scale to Americans before,

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Correct, while we have experienced terrorism at home a couple of times, it was never on this scale. Also there has never been a terrorist attack anywhere on this scale anywhere before. Also, we have experienced terrorism abroad, IE attacks on embassies and the like.

But when a poster posits an angle that it's part of a larger conspiracy, in a forum of logical thinkers (for the most part) he is going to be mocked.

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Wouldn't the logical thing to do if these conspiracy folk were really just wild loons to just ignore them and let them be? I know that is not as much fun, it's just a lot more prudent.

While deplorable, 9/11 is a single incident, using it as a rationale to further any kind of conspiracy agenda is at best Pyrrhic.

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Here is how I see the whole issue. I don't know a lot of what happened, I probably will never get the complete answers I want. Although that is not going to stop me from trying to find them. On 9-11 a lot of things happened that do not sit well with me. All I want is to find discussions about the event where everything does not turn into wild accusations and lolcats. I think that Borodog's posting of the conversation with Neilso, while rude to post a private conversation without consent, is what I am looking for.
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