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Old 11-28-2007, 01:15 PM
Case Closed Case Closed is offline
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Default Re: Electron microscope analysis of steel spheres from WTC site

I have spent a lot of time looking up information on the 9-11 conspiracy theories and all the events that happened that day. I am sure that something happened that day that we are not being told about...outside of that it's very confusing and hard for someone like myself with limited scientific knowledge to draw any conclusions about it.

One thing I do know for sure is that the people who opposed Neilso in this thread and pretty every thread I have come across where someone takes the "9-11 essentially happened like everyone thinks it did" side acts like a jerk toward the truthers. I wish both sides would act better and more civil towards one and another, because the constant name calling makes these threads un-readable.

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You understand this is pretty much ALL Nielsio's fault right? If you dont believe me read the post after this one of yours.

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I understand that it is really frustrating debating with Neilso. If I was on your side of the argument I would not see a point to continuing. I really don't want to go through this thread and count the amount of times people call him an idiot or a kook or stupid or something of that nature. There are a lot of people out there who are looking into this information for themselves and it's discouraging when every site I go to 911 truth people are harassed to no end.

WRT to his reply to my first post in this thread, well I am going to unfairly clump you in with all the people who are against Neilso in this thread, sorry if you never really did any of this stuff. I don't think he is insinuating that you're all CIA members or Cointel Pros or anything of that nature. It's just very obvious that you guys seem to enjoy derailing the hell out of this thread and making it unreadable. It's not a conspiracy theory, there are a ton of lolcats and ad hominems people seem to enjoy derailing this thread.
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