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Old 11-28-2007, 11:32 AM
Parsy Parsy is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Parsy Poker
Posts: 67
Default Re: Vegas trip report (tl;dr, cliff notes etc.)

Nah she defo wasn't a hooker, her and her friends had driven up from phoenix for the weekend.

I woke up around 8amish and mongy was asleep facing the other way so figured i could get away with knocking her back out again. Half way through the [censored] alarm clock goes off and i'm like, wtf, pressing all the buttons frantically and the alarm finally stops.

We get back into it and the 5 mins later the alarm goes again! I've only pressed [censored] snooze. I felt i had no choice but to rip it out the wall and continue the banging.

Mongy didn't wake up and was none the wiser.
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