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Old 11-28-2007, 11:21 AM
Moseley Moseley is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 394
Default Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs

Israel has 250 nukes, and if pressed, will use them without U.S. ok.

Putin, while visiting Iran, stated in a speech that the U.S. needs to back off from their aggression towards Iran.

Israeli Prez flies to Russia the day after Putin returns home. You see Israel is not going to stand by and let a country, led by a leader who has swore to destroy Israel obtain nukes.

The mess in the Middle East is heating up big time, and this conference and all that Condi is doing is for the sake of cooling things down until Bush can get out of office so he doesn't have to take responsibility for a major war in the area.

So, if these stupid talks delay things, great. I'd rather go a few more years without a major conflict.

If we get really lucky and a miracle strikes, we may avoid a major confrontation.

It's not likely, however, as we has so many ignorant voters. I know 3 women over 50 yrs old, who are voting for Hillary, only because they like her husband. They have no idea where she stands on the issues. But when they talk about Bill, their faces light up.

Ignorant Americans will be our downfall.
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