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Old 11-28-2007, 11:15 AM
tippy tippy is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 272
Default Re: Anybody here got a vasectomy?

Couple of points:

1) It's about $800 procedure to get it. It's about $15,000 to get it reversed.

2) Frozen peas are the [censored]. Get em.

3) Get three pairs of tighty whiteys that are 4 sizes to small to wear for three weeks.

4) Have you doctor give you a prescription for 2 pain pills and 2 valiums to take one hour before the procedure.

5)The procedure takes about 25 minutes. Depending on the size/length of your tubes the procedure can hurt. Shorter tubes require some tugging which you can feel as they pull your balls. Imagine a yoyo on the end of a string that someone is pulling on.

6) The worst part of the whole thing is the pain from the stitches. Butterfly stitches that feel like someone has a clothes pin on your nads for two weeks. Feels so good when those stitches finally break.

Overall it isn't bad. I doubt that you are going to be able to find a doctor to do it at your age though. If you tell the doctor what you told us here, you got no chance...
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