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Old 11-28-2007, 09:39 AM
Wynton Wynton is offline
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Default Re: combining HITT and starting strength


just out of curiosity, what's your current and target weight, and how many calories are you eating per day?

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I'm now about 168 (having lost around 5-7 pounds) and I think my ideal weight would be about 163-165 (and I'm a little under 5'10"). Many people would probably look at me and think my weight is fine, but I know that I feel better when I'm kind of on the lighter side.

I'm not capable of keeping close track of calories, but would estimate that it's around 1800. I am, finally, pretty confident that I eat clean, though. Typical day is like this:

oatmeal with handful of raisins
banana and/or hard boiled egg
salad for lunch (adding chicken or tuna),
apple or carrots for snack
dinner of fish or turkey
snack of beef jerkey, cottage cheese, apple and peanut butter

Whatever that amounts to is working for me.
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