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Old 11-28-2007, 08:38 AM
DaycareInferno DaycareInferno is offline
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Default Re: CC on button with KQo

raising the flop is bad, because it doesn't get rid of anything that's ahead of you, and it folds out almost everything that you're ahead of. you'd much rather just call there.

the turn is pretty simple too, because the guy is basically showing you that he's not a very good player. c/ring turns against unknowns is usually dumb. c/ring that turn on that board against an unknown is pretty hideous with anything. he doesn't know if you're floaty or not. he doesn't know if you'll bet the turn. he doesn't know how you play draws, etc. if he had a good hand, he should bet for value, because the board is kind of dangerous, and you're unknown. if he picked up a big draw, he should bet, because that turn is really good for double barrelling anyway. so, you know he's at least kind of bad, you have top 2, you put your money in.
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