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Old 11-28-2007, 01:47 AM
ggbman ggbman is offline
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Default Re: A perfectly played hand of poker...

Haha it's not THAT rigged against me, I just play lower often if I don't see good higher games going. It's pretty common for me to have 6-8 tables going with limits from 10-20 to 100-200. Money is money, and a good amount of the time i am smart to give up small amounts of $$$ EV for significantly lower variance.

Hop & all others who don't like the fold- I mean it's obviously not a standard thing to do in this spot for me or anyone, which is why I posted in BBV. There are not many circumstances to make this fold, although in my opinion this situation had enough factors to make it a good fold. Like I said if someone wants to x-post this in a strat forum I will address those in more detail. I think strategy should be kept out of BBV, but all those saying this is bad should be to explain why other then just saying that. Once you stop thinking "ZOMG big pot, I have the 3rd nuts I can't fold and actually look at the hand, I am winning pretty much never.
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