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Old 11-28-2007, 01:44 AM
NFuego20 NFuego20 is offline
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Default Re: Any Full Tilt regulars on here? NL 200 and NL 100

LOL @ Gaby, that's absolutely terrible. Clearly the guy just spews all over the place. Perhaps this is a case of ego getting in the way of playing smart poker. By no means am I saying I'm never stubborn in a hand myself. I think I am far too often in fact. But there is no defense for the way that particular hand was played, or several others I've seen today for that matter. Tilt maybe?

While I'm LOLing @ regs, LOL @ giveusakiss today. He's been mentioned in this thread a few times and generally I think all our numbers show his results being pretty poor over time. Going into today I had profited as much off him as any other player. Yet for some reason the last two times he's won a big pot against me he's felt the need to talk trash. In one case we both had AK and tptk on the river, and he pushed me off the same hand by overbet shoving all in. Fine, nice play. Winning the pot wasn't enough though, as he proceeds in a poor attempt to play mind games by telling me how easy it is to push me off tptk. I pretty much ignored that knowing how many times he's been caught with his hand in the cookie jar investing $75 into a pot on ill-timed bluffs. Most of the time an overbet shove all in will push a solid player off tptk, LDO.

Then today it folds to me in the sb, he's in the bb, and I pick up AK and limp, with the intention of trapping him as he often raises in this spot. He does raise, and then I reraise huge figuring I'm willing to gamble against whatever he might have. To my surprise he shoves all in and I'm committed. He has AA, I lose. I'm rarely one to be going to the felt with AK but in a blind battle situation against a player who sucks such as giveusakiss, I'm gonna usually gamble. Winning the pot is not enough for him however, as he once again had to poke fun about "how well I'm playing."

At that point I went off on him in a tirade berating his horrible game, how he's the only reg on FTP who doesn't make money, etc etc. Probably wasn't necessary but felt good. He played til the next blind, and hit & ran with his short term profit without saying a word. I'm really not sure what set him off to the point where he felt the need to single me out and attack me, but bring it on I guess. There is nothing about his game that impresses me.
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