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Old 11-27-2007, 11:21 PM
SheetWise SheetWise is offline
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Default Re: BlackJack Statistics Question

Perfect knowledge of the dealers hole card can only be achieved by either marking cards, a dealer intentionally exposing, or an incompetent dealer being spooked.

If you had perfect knowledge, as in question 1, and attempted to play strategy 2 as camouflage -- I believe you would have about 4%.

Whatever you're thinking -- don't try it. You will be found, and it won't be pretty. Your sessions have to be too short -- you always have to play your willing (or unwitting) accomplice, your stakes have to be too high to make the short sessions profitable (which draws attention) -- and even if you're loser, most clubs will prosecute.

Unless, of course, your question was rhetorical -- then, my apologies.
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