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Old 11-27-2007, 11:11 PM
Wynton Wynton is offline
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Default Re: Interesting analysis of how Dems should address immigration


Frankly, I haven't given your distinction much thought; you may well have a valid point, though. Nor have I come up with my own policy preferences, even though I find the politics of the issue very interesting.

I do have a couple of general attitudes or predispositions, which concededly are not based upon any genuine study. As somewhat of an article of faith, I tend to believe that immigrants enrich this country and contribute more than their fair share. I'd rather err on the side of allowing more immigrants in legally than restricting them. And I doubt that immigrants (legal or illegal) are really stealing many jobs from our citizens. Once more, these are my predispositions, and I have no data to cite in support.

But I certainly recognize the need to patrol our borders, limit immigration numbers at some point, and enforce our own laws. The laws are absolutely necessary and to ignore them makes a mockery of the system.

One reason I find the politics fun is because I think the issue is genuinely complex. The depressing part is knowing that the major candidates will inevitably address the problem with slogans, rather than any kind of nuance.
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