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Old 11-27-2007, 10:24 PM
Al Mirpuri Al Mirpuri is offline
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Default Somewhere Out There...

Somewhere out there is a man/woman who has not lost a bet.

Somewhere out there is a man/woman who has not won a bet.

Both events become less and less likely the more bets are made.

Games that are not based on probability have no luck in them. You say your opponents were lucky in the tennis match but what you really mean is they played far better than they usually do. In physical sports there is no luck just outcomes that are unquantifiable. For example, in soccer, a player tries a huge kick up field and the ball enters the opponents' net for a goal. What luck everyone declares but what they mean is that the scorer could not have reasonably assumed that his huge up field kick would score. The laws of physics were not suspended at any point. Indeed, physically, when a chain of events is initiated the chain must fulfil its outcome even though that outcome cannot be predicted.

You said it was not a bad beat post but that was exactly what it was. Stop crying. Wet keyboards do not work. Stop lying to yourself. You are not the unluckiest person in the world - probably not even the unluckiest posting in this thread.

Moreover, in the physical non probability world, even the word luck needs to be defined.
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