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Old 11-27-2007, 09:53 PM
Exsubmariner Exsubmariner is offline
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Default Re: Anyone Else At The Panic Point On The Dollar?

I'm not panicked.

Not by far.

I'll tell you why....

The financial markets are a system. That system has feedbacks. Right now, American products are looking really good overseas. Capital equipment manufacturers are reporting really good overseas sales. Farmers are raking it in with cheap American food exports. The dollars outside the borders will flow back into the capital markets. There will be no capital shortage and everything will be fine.

The economy is diverse and robust. The sub-prime crisis is the result of a bunch of money spewing banks making bad decisions. Who is really going to be hurt by the value of their house dropping 5%? Really? Think about that. There has been excess supply in the housing market for a long time and a correction is way overdue. There are plenty of other sectors in the economy that see opportunity and are roaring right along. This is all a cycle. It will pass.
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