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Old 11-27-2007, 09:42 PM
theAMOG theAMOG is offline
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Default Re: The difficulty of GAINING weight: discussion

I have this same problem, I don't like giving advice normally, because I don't think most people give good advice and I try not to contribute to that. Since I too am a hard gainer though I will.

With every meal I'll eat the clean, lean foods that are always recommended. Like chicken breast, some rice, broccoli or whatever, real clean good food with lots of protein. Then in that same sitting I'll also eat just whatever I can to fill the extra calories my body needs, ice cream usually cause it's so damn good and gets the job done quick, but it can probably be whatever you want.

Just keep increasing your calories this way until you see the desired gains. Always make sure to get enough clean foods though too. And since when I was lifting, I was also playing basketball a lot, this increased the amount I needed to eat even more, then the more you eat the more your metabolism goes up, so I had to eat even more...before I knew it I was eating 6k+calories a day to see the gains I desired. It was tough, eating every 90-180 minutes.

Atleast we can eat more food than the average person's daily diet and still lose weight though whenever we want.
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