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Old 11-27-2007, 08:04 PM
xx44 xx44 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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Default Re: Ask me about financial success to spending 2 years state prison


Before I went in I was probably over-confident bordering on arrogant. Not a braggart by any means, but generally demanding of the people that worked for me and a small tolerance for incompetency. Yo will definitely hear about it if you cut in front of me or my pizza was delivered cold. Somehow I was a able to greatly tone it down before I went in. And now, the though I will still speak up probably before the next guy, people jave cut in front of me without so much as a dirty look by me. I guess i "mellowed".


One of the wrong reasons my gf and I stayed together past the point we should have was being concerned on how new women would react to my past.

I remember in light conversations when I was asked what I did I would say, "I sold my share of a financial firm to my partners, then I was able to travel to places I never imagined". Though technically true, it did not make things easy with the first 2 women that I went out with 3 times. I ended up chickening out and ending things before the 4th. The next one I was interested in I told her on the first date when we were hitting it off. I figured , eff it, if things progress she will have to know anyway. I was surprised at how in stride she responded. Not a condescending "that doesnt bother me" but a more not shocked and actually asked the right questions. We dated for a few months. My current gf I have been with for 5 months, and told her the 2nd date, to more or less the same receptive response.


I wouldnt say better, but others might. I am sure not just a few would consider me a dick to work for. The demanding and aggressive part of my personality back then is much less evident. However, I now wait an hour to be seated in some restaurants.
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