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Old 11-27-2007, 07:17 PM
drzen drzen is offline
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Default Re: The Revolution - Game Thread

Hi, just reading through and thought I'd answer this post from jgunnip. I found it a bit odd, but I suppose I should talk to him about it.

kokiri what did drzen say that makes you lean village. IMO, in recent games STTF and Thanksgiving he was much more focused and offensive on day 1 as a villager.

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I think that's a bit harsh. I turn up late in the day because I'm in Australia. In those games, there were fewer players and I felt I had a better idea what was going on.

Also, I've changed my playing style because I've found it so hard to convince people I'm not a wolf in the late game! That cuts both ways, of course, but twice now I've been down to the last few players, and although I've felt I have been totally villagey, the other players have just not agreed. Which sucks. So I decided to be a bit less in your face. I sacrifice learning who's a wolf -- which i did pretty well in Thanksgiving -- for a better all-round game.

Yesterday he seemed more care free/joking around than I've ever seen him. I also thought it weird of him to insist more than once what durron's tell on VR was.

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This is what I find odd. On the one hand, you say I'm not focused, and on the other, you think it's weird that I'm, erm, focused.

I like to engage with people I think are wolves, try to shake loose a tell. The subject matter is much less important than their reaction. Do you remember in a turbo, jgunnip, you didn't switch votes one day, and I asked you about that? You gave yourself up as a wolf in the process.

I intend to do the same in this game. I'm busy with work for a new client, but I intend to be in the thick of it, all the same.

Why in the world would he divulge that info in game? Also, he was posting up until 8:30ish and then just disappeared with his vote on durron without saying that he wouldn't be around for night.

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Dude, I have a life! I have work to do. It's not the evening for me. If you look, you'll see I've been playing turbos all month (no work) but won't be the next couple of weeks (too much work on). If you want me to check in and out with you, fine. I will be around for about another 15 minutes, then I have to concentrate on an online course about freedom of information. I'll be done with that, I hope, around 11 my time, but it could drag on a bit. I'm not sure what 11 is your time. 8pm? So I will "suspiciously" disappear soon, and creepily turn back up at 8ish, then disappear like a thief in the night at maybe 8.30.
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