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Old 11-27-2007, 06:56 PM
Jeremy517 Jeremy517 is offline
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Default Re: Hillary\'s poll numbers tanking...

A Hillary nomination would pretty much be the worst possible outcome for Democrats. She can't win the general election

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A lot of people keep saying that. These people usually have an (R) next to their names. The trouble is (and, incidentally, I agree this *is* trouble) they are extremely wrong. She might be a mediocre to bad pick, but she is a Clinton, has already shown she'll outraise any GOP candidate 2:1 without trying very hard, and - if she does win the primaries - will have her aura back. To counter this, the GOP will field one of their own slate of highly suspect candidates - if there's one person who can't win a general election in this entire field, it's Romney - who has the added stumbling block of trying to distance himself from a sitting, unpopular president of the same party. Hillary might well be the worst Democrat pick, but saying she can't win...yeah, I'd put up 5K, too.

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Me saying that has nothing to do with the money she raises, her views on any issue, her Republican opponent, etc. Those are irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that Hillary is way too polarizing of a candidate. By nominating her, it would guarantee a huge Republican turnout. It would not, however, guarantee a huge Democrat turnout.

And no, I'm not a Republican, I'm a registered independent. I even voted for Bill in 1996.
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